Join us for the second session of our new webinar series, Where the Evidence Leads: Preliminary Findings From IES-Funded English Learner Research Studies, hosted by the National Research & Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners.
The Development of Teacher Expertise in Secondary Contexts to Support English Learners: Preliminary Findings
Building upon decades of seminal work, researchers at the National Research & Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners are working to iteratively develop, implement, and estimate the impact of replacement educational materials for 8th grade English language arts. This IES-funded English Language Arts Study is being conducted for the dual purpose of
developing teacher expertise with quality curriculum and learning for students bureaucratically classified as long-term English Learners; and
strengthening classroom learning opportunities for middle school English Learners.
In this webinar, researchers will preview the role that diverse factors play in the development of teacher professionalism; how to navigate the complexity of supporting the development of teacher expertise; and, how specific domains of teacher expertise such as reflection and quality interactions can guide future growth.
Date and Time:
Wednesday, April 24, 2024
1–2 p.m. PST/4–5 p.m. EST
Featured Speakers:
Aída Walqui, PhD, WestEd
Lee Hartman, MA, WestEd
Who Should Attend?
Teacher professional developers
Teacher educators (pre- and in-service)
District administrators
Forthcoming Webinars
Levers for Improving Access to Core Content for Multilingual Students
Results from the Reimagining and Amplifying Mathematics Participation, Understanding, and Practices Study (RAMP-UP)
Registration is required. Recordings will be available following the live events.